Working Remote In A Small Space
Remote work currently accounts for 42% of the job market, versus only 26% are working in-person, which means unless you dubbed an essential employee then you are most likely working from home. The transition to remote work happened overnight due to the pandemic. Now many businesses are planning to keep this model, discovering that after adjusting their business practices to remote, working from home has its perks.
The Benefits Of Remote Work
There are many benefits of working remote, including that remote work is more sustainable for the environment. Research shows that 3.9 employees working from home would take around 600,000 cars off the road per year. This means over 6 million cars would be off the road, which could drastically reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
Another major benefit of remote work is that people can choose to live wherever they want. Employees are also happier, like their jobs more, and feel they have a better work-life balance. Many say they event feel more productive working from home and are able to accomplish more in less time.
The initial adjustment to remote work can be challenging. Your home has distractions, so it is best to establish a dedicated area to work. By doing this, you will have better concentration and be able to sit down and get into grind mode. But what if you live in a tiny house?
One of the major factors for successful remote work is establishing a routine as well as a dedicated workspace that you feel motivated, comfortable, and able to focus. If you live in a small space, this could feel like a challenge. If you live in a tiny house on wheels, this could also mean you are working while on the go.
In fact, many tiny house owners choose the lifestyle for the nomadic appeal. With the nomadic lifestyle often comes remote work because you need to figure out how to sustain an income, even on the road. Here are tips for remote work in a tiny house.
Dedicating A Workspace
If you are working from a laptop, you may think that laying in bed or sitting on the couch can be your workspace, however for productivity and comfort, this is not ideal. It is not healthy to look down at a laptop screen for several hours. This causes neck and shoulder pain that will worsen overtime.
Instead, it is best to use an eye-height set up, which could be raising your laptop on a stand or even using a desktop screen. It is also smart to use an ergonomic keyboard and mouse, otherwise overtime you could face issues like Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.
You may be thinking, where in my tiny space could I possibly have a desk? This is when you must get creative with utilizing your space for multiple use. During your workday, your living room could have a foldaway or wall mounted desk. You could also use an adjustable desk that could double as your kitchen table. You can even add special features like a monitor that folds into the wall when not in use.
Other factors to consider are lighting, and of course internet. Off-grid internet can sometimes be a challenge but there are options such as satellite, fiber, or through cell phone providers, for example.
Once you establish a dedicated workspace, you will feel more productive and motivated when you sit down to indulge in your work.
Overall, remote work can be very satisfying and you can enjoy little things like a break to take your dog on a walk. You can have the freedom to roam around wherever, as long as you have internet.