Tips For Parking Your Tiny Home

The popularity of Tiny Homes is continually growing as people search for sustainable and affordable housing options. With the overall housing market growing at an exponential rate, the need for affordable and practical housing is stronger than ever. People are joining the tiny movement giving themselves the accomplishment of home ownership, but also the freedom to move around, and putting themselves in a better place financially.

Going tiny is a good choice for people wanting financial freedom, but even with the continual popularity, there are still some states that don’t recognize these tiny dwellings as legal homes.

There are horror stories out there from across the nation of tiny house owners buying a land plot, and building their dream tiny home, and later receiving an eviction notice from the county saying “illegal dwelling.” How could this be? Why is this happening? Tiny structures are often moveable and usually sustainable with their energy sources and waste.

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Unfortunately there are places that still do not recognize tiny homes as legal homes, and do not want them in their town, neighborhood, or community calling them unlawful structures. These evictions are usually from neighbor complaints and zoning boards.

Zoning codes generally have a minimal square footage for structures, but since most tiny homes are built on wheels, they can also fall into the RV category. Some communities may allow storage parking of RVs, but don’t allow living in them. Then there is also the Accessory Dwelling Unit category, which is an additional dwelling on a property with a home. Tiny homes can fall into that too, and are usually legal if ADUs are allowed.

Currently tiny homes are sort of in a grey zone for zoning because it is not an RV but it is not a traditional structure. Before building a tiny home anywhere, it is recommended to check local ordinances beforehand to avoid these issues.

Where can I park my tiny home in 2021?

RV parks are often a good option because they have designated and usually flat spaces, hookups, and dumping stations. However, not every RV park allows tiny homes, and some only allow RVIA certified tiny homes. It is always best to check with the RV office and see what their rules are.

Short term parking is often easier to find than long term. You are allowed to camp or park in national forests or BLM land for usually up to 14 days.

If you want to park on someone’s private property, open land, or a backyard, you will want to check the local zoning rules of the county. If the community has an HOA, it is likely they will have rules against tiny homes or residing in RVs or small dwellings.

Some states favor tiny homes more than others, but overall you can find parking just about anywhere, but it may require some research if you plan to stay long term. There are also helpful resources such as this website that people can advertise their land and parks welcoming tiny homes from all over.

Don’t let the stress of finding a place to park stress you out because there are so many wonderful communities and areas that welcome tiny homes.

With communication and research, your tiny dreams can easily come true just about anywhere and give you the nomadic freedom to move anywhere with your home. With the popularity of tiny homes growing, we expect laws to continue to conform to welcome this new lifestyle of living.

Start looking for the tiny home of your dreams today at